Y2022 HUTCHMED Company Policies Annual Self-Declaration

Target audience and self-declaration objectives:

This self-declaration applies to HUTCHMED (China) Limited or all subsidiaries and affiliate companies over which it exercises control (collectively “the Group”) in all countries in which they operate.

This self-declaration aims to guide our decisions and ensure we operate in an ethical manner, and therefore all employees in business units are required to ensure full compliance with HUTCHMED Company Policies.


Self-declaration and due date:

Employees are required to read the material carefully and complete the self-declaration accordingly.

Employees must complete the self-declaration before the due date (as required in the notification email).

The line manager will be notified if the employee does not finish within the requested timeline, and the employee’s year-end performance may be affected.


About HUTCHMED Company Policies Annual Self-Declaration:

HUTCHMED Company Policies Annual Self-Declaration are developed in accordance with the following policies:

  1. Code of Ethics (Aug 2021 updated)
  2. Code of Ethics for Business Partners (10 Dec 2021 updated)
  3. Policy on Handling of Confidential and Price-sensitive Inside Information, and Securities Dealing (Jul 2022 updated)
  4. HUTCHMED PSI Policy Memorandum (Type Ia)
  5. HUTCHMED PSI Policy Memorandum (Type I)
  6. HUTCHMED PSI Policy Memorandum (Type II)
  7. HUTCHMED PSI Policy Memorandum (Type III)
  8. Code on Dealings in Shares (Mar 2022 updated)
  9. Information Security Policy
  10. CKHH Code of Conduct for Information Technology Usage
  11. Supplement to the CKHH Code of Conduct for Information Technology Usage for CK Hutchison Holdings Limited (Dec 2021 updated)
  12. Declaration / Reporting of Conflicts of Interest
  13. Anti Bribery and Anti Corruption Policy (Aug 2021 updated)
  14. Reporting of Violations of Code of Ethics and ABAC Policy
  15. Complaints Procedures (Jul 2022 updated)
  16. Competition Compliance (Dec 2021 updated)
  17. Data Governance Policy for Personal Data (Aug 2021 updated)
  18. Data Governance Policy for Customer Data
  19. Data Governance Policy for Employee Data
  20. Dawn Raids (Dec 2021 updated)